Sunday, September 09, 2007

I'm Back

Ok, so I consider myself computer savvy -- to the point that I have to confess that I give my wife a hard time for the fact that she has trouble with what I consider somewhat basic things.

I must eat humble pie.

I wanted to blog with pictures from our trip to Colorado for the CRM US Ministries conference in Estes Park, but I could not sign in because I could not remember my password. I tried "forgot password?" and had a new one sent, but even that didn't work. Well, without giving anything away, I'm back on and not as computer savvy as I thought I was.

So, a bunch of us are up here in Anaheim for the first few days of the week to discuss the direction of our ministries, lessons and applicability to the broader mission of Church Resource Ministries. Normally it is team leaders and now that includes leaders of Communitas -- what we are involved in -- which is essentially starting and mentoring those who start missional communities (see post number one). So, I will make an effort to write on anything that I think you (the 3 readers) might think interesting (this one does not count).

Meetings start tomorrow and now I'm in a hotel alone (above is a picture of me in said hotel room) waiting for others to show up and perhaps go out for a bite and a brew.

Next post to come shortly.


Kelly said...

Jolly good! Very cool -- you're still computer savvy in my book. :)

Missing you this week, Love, Kelly

emesselt said...

Who's the wild-eyed post-modern guy in the picture??