Monday, September 15, 2008

A Lost Generation

One of my great sadnesses is the great many young people who grew up in good churches that no longer consider themselves Christians. Many of them didn't fit in the church that they were in for very valid reasons, yet no one was around to show them that many of their complaints were actually biblical and good. Yet they saw a problem with an institution and pegged it as a problem with Jesus.

As sad as that is, I follow a God of hope and believe that within this group of ex-Christians live many of the future leaders of an authentic and biblical church that faithfully follows Jesus. Take a minute to watch as I explain why it is that I do what I do in the ministry God has given me.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Hi Doug! Blessings to you all! I enjoyed reading the blog and seeing you speak (again) about reaching the lost generation! I pray that God uses your energy for just that purpose...and that He blesses your Creekside ministry in the Great PNW! I know that your official installation this Sunday will be an amazing day, and BBQ that follows, also. Know too, that your lovely daughter, Leah, will be here, also, readying herself for a stellar senior year which will commence the next morning! May the LORD shine His light for all of us as we take each thought captive for His glory, for His workings in our lives! I send our love to you all. I miss Kelly! We enjoyed Leah Saturday over here. She is delightful and I bet we have a great time getting to know her! Love to you all, your friends in the LORD, Gil, Patty, Annie, et al.